Do you want to know the cRaPbOaRd~MaStEr better? Crawl into the depths of his mind. You'll be the judge. Does he make sense or he just post crap? Be entertained, shocked and awe in his antics. Welcome to his CRAZY@SS CHRONICLES!

Friday, February 01, 2008

Year 2007: Time-wasting Accomplished!!!

* The otaku blood has REAWKENED. I've never been happier in my ENTIRE life.

* I'm so happy to be in the choir again. Again my life has been completed.

* I was reunited with people I've only known for a while in FEU morayta... now we are a solid alliance of renegade anime geeks.

* I have been introduced to the world of anicon and cosplay. F^c&! Why only now?

* I downloaded massive files... games, videos and programs... got them from micro torrents.

* I managed to download tons of mangas.

* I joined the #lurk chat room. I really am an otaku!

* I joined especially now that I have a scanner at home.

* I got to know who Alodia is. I seem to be weak on my knees right now.

* I finally met Alodia! A few days before my birthday! (I even shook her hand)

* I had endured great misery. Thanks for the trauma.

* I have been bugged to take the ASCPi. Say! Say! Say! That's is really a great idea!

* I have been introduced to tons of NON-MAINSTREAM anime. I now have a higher taste in this aspect.

* I have been motivated to pursue my artistic hobbies.

* I was introduced to a total idiot named IMAW... an entity of living coprolith.

* I applied for a job for the first time. Well it was not that bad really.

* I got my very first job! I became an online English teacher.

* I gained more friends because of this job... Co-teachers and students alike.

* Really... I now have friends across the seas.

* I got pissed off because of this job. Well not the job itself but the company. It's not that really stable.

* I'm on the verge of clearing all my 'academic" dilemmas... still need time though.

* I have to keep a sharper eye on my sister... touchy subject...

* So far I have been playing 50 or more games from downloads alone this 2007. Wow!!!

* My good buddy, Miyang, flew home to the Nihon country. I miss you Haneh.

* I met more friends this 2007... This time in church. So they are a bunch of Holy friends...

* I already started making a story for a manga... Is it still moving on? Not really...

* This is the first time I made a recollection of mem'ries for the entire year... What for?

* I met another good buddy before the year ended. Thanks kuya Alan.

* I bought a bunch of anime DVDs. That is a hefty bunch!!!

* I downloaded some sick, tortured, painful, vintage, and almost pornographic videos. So sick it will make you hurl! Hmmm... burgers...

* I learned a lot fr0m my alyanza friends. Thank you Mai-chan, Imawlyn, Miyang (kahit di ka otaku), etc.

* I have a few faves: Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni, CrOmartie High (Hayashida-dono!), Naruto and Uzumaki/Vortex (which is another kind of manga)

* I was reunited with my Med Tech peeps. Although ang konti natin nun.

* The crazy Carl you know still exists... only spicier.

~~~ Overall, this year was a blast. I am an OTAKU!!! FOOOOOOOOOO!!!! (' 3 ')

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