Do you want to know the cRaPbOaRd~MaStEr better? Crawl into the depths of his mind. You'll be the judge. Does he make sense or he just post crap? Be entertained, shocked and awe in his antics. Welcome to his CRAZY@SS CHRONICLES!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Broken Pieces

I stand before you as an open book. I expressed myself freely that I had shown you the very deepest of my soul. I know how appalled you got to see how horrible I am, but later you came to look back and appreciate all the dirt hidden beneath this skin. That was until you had me convinced that I was well appreciated. Then the moment of truth came. You took another good look at me... and gave me a nod that approved my freedom to be myself again. You just let me be. Then after all the glorious moments of blissfulness... I was shattered into minute pieces. Do you even care to pick me up? No... Instead you swept me off your floor. Threw me in the garbage bin... never to be seen... EVER AGAIN...

I just want to thank you for all the things that have passed. I ever you are reading this... it means I'm already dead. Thank you for the tragedy of my life...

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